Welcome to Coming About with Dave Paragamian

The podcast that dives deep into the minds of leaders who have transformed their businesses and industries and paved the way for a better future.

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Coming About

Episode 5, Part 1: In Part One of the fifth episode of Coming About, “Trailblazing Transformation: A Conversation with Risa Wexler on Navigating the Digital Landscape,” Health Monitor’s CEO, David Paragamian welcomes Risa Wexler, a true pioneer and leader in the world of media, technology, and digital transformation. As a veteran in this realm, with over 20 years of experience in agencies and leading CPG and pharma companies such as Pfizer, Risa has witnessed the rise and fall of emerging technologies and trends, gaining a keen eye for lasting game-changers. In this conversation David and Risa reflect on the critical career decisions and changes that have defined her path, from small pivotal moments to big, brave choices. They also dive into where the industry is heading next, providing invaluable lessons learned from Risa’s pioneering career at the forefront of digital transformation.

Part One is available now from Advantage Audio:  https://advantage-audio.com/episodes/trailblazing-transformation-a-conversation-with-risa-wexler-on-navigating-the-digital-landscape-part-one/

You can also find the episode on Apple, Spotify or wherever you get podcasts.
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/trailblazing-transformation-a-conversation-with/id1691729583?i=1000637771055

Spotify:  https://open.spotify.com/episode/7974l0YsIwTOzOvbCEy6WL

Episode 5, Part 2: In the second part of the fifth episode of Coming About, “Trailblazing Transformation: A Conversation with Risa Wexler on Navigating the Digital Landscape,” Risa expresses her immense gratitude for the extraordinary path she has experienced in her career thus far. Her contributions in the media, marketing, and pharmaceutical industries consist of leveraging emerging technologies to guiding top brands, and prove her to be a true pioneer and leader. Risa also reveals her latest endeavor – the bold decision to leave a major company and launch her own venture. She has an interesting tidbit about the inspiration behind her new company name stemming from a meaningful Bruce Springsteen lyric. Tune in to hear Risa elaborate on her latest leap of faith in what has been a truly remarkable career journey spanning the frontiers of marketing and pharmaceutical technology innovations.

Part Two is available now from Advantage Audio:  https://advantage-audio.com/episodes/trailblazing-transformation-a-conversation-with-risa-wexler-on-navigating-the-digital-landscape-part-two/

You can also find the episode on Apple, Spotify or wherever you get podcasts.
Apple:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/trailblazing-transformation-a-conversation-with/id1691729583?i=1000638524442

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2RsDXOsAnzaNThbt80TXQK?si=2152b2173ebe4b84&nd=1&dlsi=965809a94bc34310